Monday, July 27, 2009

Rhizome Rot ( Phytium graminicolum) in Turmeric - Text from

From these photographs, you can see various stages of Rhizome rot in Turmeric and ultimate damage too.

  • Starting from the margins the leaves get dried up, collar region of pseudostem becomes soft and water-soaked and plants collapse.
  • The rhizomes decay as a result of the attack of the fungus.


  • Seed Material should be selected from disease free areas.
  • Avoid water Stagnation in the field. Light soil may be preferred and drainage facility to be ensured.
  • Grow tolerant varieties like Suguna and Sudarshan.
  • Crop rotation to be followed.
  • Deep ploughing to be given in Summer. Planting to be done in Ridge and furrow method.
  • Remove diseased plants and the soil around plants to be drenced with Mancozeb (3gm/lit) or 3gm Ridomil M.Z.
  • Spray on the crop Mancozeb (2.5g/lit) or Carbendazim (1g/lit) +1ml Sandovit.
  • Seed treatment is a must. Keep Rhizomes in 3gm Mancozeb or 1gm Carbendazim or 3gm Ridomil M.Z or 2.5 gm Metalaxyl mixed in one litre of water solution for one hour and shade dry before planting.

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