Saturday, June 27, 2009

Integrated Pest Management in Rice

Area coverage of rice is highest in West Bengal (in comparison to any
other crops) and naturally a considerable amount of pesticide is used
to protect the crop from insect and diseases. It is more so for the
boro (winter season) rice which provides higher productivity. In most
of the cases pesticide application is ritualistic and results in
pesticide resistance or pests, environmental pollution and residue
problems. Integrated approach of pest is expected to spell definite
positive results considering the area coverage of rice in the state.
At the same time, complete switch off of pesticide application may not
sound promising in near future. An integrated approach to cope up with
the insect pest problem in rice is, hence, a need of the hour.

1.Selection of resistance varieties
2.Seed treatment with Carbendazim 50 WP (2 g/kg of seed ) and/or
Streptomycin (1g/10 L of water or 1g/6.5 kg of seed)
3.Application of Carbofuran 3G (4.5 kg a.i./bigha) or Phorate 10G (1.6
kg a.i./bigha) in the nursery 7-8 days before sowing.
4.Timely transplanting in larger area at a time.
5.Split application of nitrogen, application of micronutrient.
6.Green manuring; application of organic manure.
7.Removal of weeds from the main field and bunds (bio-physical
boundary of the field).
8.Removal of seedling tip before transplanting.
9.Pheromone traps against stem borer.
10.Gap of 2 rows after each 8-10 rows of seedlings to control Brown
Plant Hopper.
11.Application of neem based pesticides like neem oil/extract.
12.Avoiding pesticide application during the early growth stage of the
13.Recommended chemicals in extreme cases –
Rice stem borer -
Chloropyriphos (1.5 ml/L of water)
Cartap hydrochloride (1 ml/L of water)
Imidachlorpid (1 ml/7.5 L of water)
Thiomethaxom (1 ml/L of water)
Ear cutting Caterpillar -
Profenophos (1.5 ml/L of water)
Cartap hydrochloride (1 ml/L of water)
Propiconazole (1 ml/L of water)
Tricyclazole (0.6 g/L of water)
Sheath Blight-
Validamycin (2.5 ml/L of water)
Hexaconazole (2 ml/L of water)

It has been found that the following varieties have considerable
resistance against specific pests.

Rice stem borer - Ratna, Shashyashree, Bikash
BPH - Chaitanya, Pratibha, Manas Sarovar, Reshmi
Blast- Rasi, IR-36, Parijat, Shashyashree
Sheath blight- Pankaj, Swarna, Manas Sarovar

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